Hello! This, by far, has been my most exciting project! I am such a sucker for "before and after" anything! I love seeing something not so great turn in to something awesome. So, I'm sure you can understand my excitement for this project. I like the feeling of pushing myself to learn about more tools and feeling confident while using them. I am proud to say I am now a beast at sanding anything!

What You Will Need:
Random piece of beat up furniture
Palm Sander ( I got mine at Harber Freight for $15)
Extra sand paper
1. As you can see this nightstand has been through a lot! I got it from a local thrift store for $20. Don't waste your time refurbishing furniture that's not real wood. The end result might look neat but why spend time on something that could just fall apart. Start off by unscrewing the drawer pulls. I really like the look of vintage hanging pulls so I decided not to update them.
2. Start sanding the crap out of it! The top had a very thick poly coating on it so I just sanded the top shiny coat off and left the rest.
3. Get all that sanding dust off of it. It tends to build up inside so I used an air compressor to blow everything off of it.
4. Start Painting! I love the painting process because that's when you can see your vision coming to life.Be careful not to get too much paint on your brush because there is nothing more tacky than furniture with a thick coat of paint. So don't let it puddle and watch the for the build up in the cracks.
5. Let it sit out to dry for a while. Since the layer of paint I put on was so thin it didn't take very long to dry.
6. Put your drawer pulls back on, bring inside, and show it off!